We work hard to find deals fast, saving you time and money in the process.

Why are we here?

According to an IRCE 2012 Report, the Top 500 online retailers have a 77% share of the U.S e-retailing market. Big sites like Amazon.com sell about 202,000,000 products and other smaller online stores have about 1,000,000-10,000,000 products available. Searching thorough these 500 retailers is a nearly imposible task. This is especially difficult if you are only interested in purchasing your product at a cheap price. This is where we come in. We are a crowdsourcing website that finds the best deals in each request you submit. We make sure that your product search returns results in a matter of seconds. We help you figure out what is the best product to buy by providing short and concise information. Using these results you can make the right purchase decision. In the end you will spend less time looking for products and more time surfing your other favorite websites.

Our Mission

We want to serve the online community by finding online deals for free. We also want to allow customers and vendors to use our marketplace for buying and selling items at the lowest prices. Looking for a deal should be as easy as using a search engine or texing your friends.

Who are we?

We are software engineers with 9-5 jobs that believe in automating hard tasks. The web has gotten too big and some things are a waste of our precious time and money. Therefore we built this website to help ourselves and others.

How do we make money?

At the moment we are not making any profit on the website due to the low operating costs. In the future however when our userbase grows we have to balance website/server costs with new revenue while still maintaining the desired level of service.

Asking for your Feedback & Support

As a team believe in the lean startup methodology using validated learning and continous deployment. In order for us to perform updates to our website we hope that users provide as much feedback as possible regarding new and old features. Don't worry we love criticism .


We would like to thank all the amazing people and wesites listed below that made their work available for free so we may use it.

  1. Background Labs
  2. Twitter Bootstrap
  3. Font Awesome
  4. Elegant Themes
  5. jQuery